The Asia Foundation grants scholarship to poor students

Wednesday - 26/05/2021 09:55
The Asia Foundation grants scholarship to poor students
Mr.Pham Van Ngay - Vice Chairman of Hau Giang Province the Union of Friendship Organizations  grants scholarship to poor students
Mr.Pham Van Ngay - Vice Chairman of Hau Giang Province the Union of Friendship Organizations grants scholarship to poor students
The Hau Giang provincial Association of Study Encouragement collaborated with The Asia Foundation (The USA), Education and Development Center of the Vietnam Association for Promotion Education, held grant scholarships (the frist) for grade 11 female students in the 2020-2021 school year by FOTAF sponsor.
The Asia Foundation grant 55 scholarships for poor students who are studying at high schools in the province. Each scholarship is worth 2.2 million VND
 The program to support female students from poor and near-poor households and they received continuously for 2 years (grade 11 and grade 12 and twice a year) with good academic achievements.
After more than 13 years of implementation, The Asia Foundation via Hau Giang province Association of Study Encouragement has supported 1,926 scholarships for poor students with a total budget of more than 3.1 billion VND.

Author: Le An

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