65 scholarships granted to poor students in Hau Giang province

Thursday - 07/11/2019 21:01
65 scholarships granted to poor students in Hau Giang province
Ms. Dinh Kieu Nhung - Education Specialist of The Asia Foundaiton speaks at scholarship awards ceremony
Ms. Dinh Kieu Nhung - Education Specialist of The Asia Foundaiton speaks at scholarship awards ceremony
On November 6th, 2019, Mr. Le Van Thao - Chairman of Hau Giang province Union of the Friendship Organizations attended The Asia Foundation scholarship awards ceremony by FOTAF organization sponsor.
On the occasion, 65 students at high school (12 grade) grants to scholarships, each student was given a scholarship worth VND 2.2 million with a value of more than VND 143 billion. These are meaning gifts encourage them to study in 2019- 2020.
The Asia Foundation’s scholarship program has allocated all high schools in Hau Giang province./.
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Mr.Le Van Thao -  Chairman of Hau Giang province Union of the Friendship Organizations grants scholarships for poor students

                                                                                                                                                             Le An


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