European Union To Strengthen Cooperation With Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations
- Friday - 26/04/2024 14:34
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The two sides discussed increasing information exchange to support the activities of European non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.
Speaking at the meeting, Jesus Lavina highly appreciated the role of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations and the People's Aid Coordination Committee (PACCOM) in relations and mobilization of foreign non-governmental aid.
The Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations and PACCOM have actively supported the European Union Delegation to Vietnam as well as foreign non-governmental organizations to overcome problems in obtaining information on Vietnam’s legal regulations.
Nguyen Ngoc Hung proposed that the European Union Delegation to Vietnam continue to exchange information regularly with the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations and PACCOM.
Understanding remaining issues in operations will help the two sides come up with solutions and directions for coordination, especially in implementing inter- and multi-sector projects in many localities, with aid-receiving partners and diverse beneficiaries.
Vietnam and European Union countries are facing urgent global issues such as climate change, gender inequality, and the energy crisis. In the future, the two sides will develop a plan to organize in-depth discussions to evaluate the activities of foreign non-governmental organizations in solving the above issues.
Since establishing diplomatic relations in October 1990, Vietnam has become one of the main partners of the European Union in Southeast Asia. The European Union and Vietnam have established bilateral cooperation across fields, from political issues, peace, security, and global challenges to trade and development.